CatchApp Windows 8 App: Today we’re happy to announce that we’ve brought CatchApp to yet another platform. This time it’s Windows 8.
We’ve added some neat features to CatchApp for this version specifically. Using Windows 8′s snapped app functionality with CatchApp, you can always have your feed in view when working on something else. Notifications and Live Tile support are also currently in the works.
The pic below gives you a quick view of how the app looks. As with the web app, you have your lists side by side to keep track of everything that’s going on in your projects.
We also have the detail view where you can see a preview image of the file in question as well as the update history on that file. 
Get CatchApp for Windows 8 here now: CatchApp for Windows 8
CatchApp brings Google Drive to HootSuite:
We’ve just launched a Google Drive integration for HootSuite. This means that you’ll be able to track your Google Drive updates in HootSuite. We’ll be doing all the background work to display you with these updates in the world’s most widely used social relationship platform.
Many of our users work in marketing or related areas and HootSuite has become the standard tool for them. This Google Drive integration is available for $1.99 in the HootSuite App Directory. More of our app integrations are planned to follow Google Drive into HootSuite over the next months.
As shown below, you’ll be able to track all the updates in your Google Drive. You’ll also be able to choose one single folder to track. This fits in perfectly with HootSuite’s platform as here you’ll be able to track everything that’s going on in your projects from one place.
Finally! CatchApp for iPad has arrived:
We maintain our fast pace of one major feature each month. Just a few weeks since the launch of CatchApp for web, I’m very excited to introduce you to CatchApp for iPad. It comes with all the shiny features you’ve been requesting: iPad optimization, multiple lists next to each other, live notifications. This is what it looks like:
Multiple lists next to each other. Flip through your feeds if you have more than three:
The detail view uses the space to show you all the information in one glance:
CatchApp for iPad is available right now on iTunes. Get it here.
Launching CatchApp for the web: “It’s like TweetDeck for business”
We’re very proud to be officially launching CatchApp’s web version today. As with our very popular iOS app, the web version allows you to track your business apps and follow the updates of your team members in real-time.
This was the most requested feature from our customers. People use our iPhone app to check updates on the go, but they also want to be able to have their feeds on a second screen at their desk. The web version allows users to keep live updates on their screen at all times.
The web version takes advantage of the bigger screen by displaying multiple lists next to one another; similar to TweetDeck. Lists provide a way to organize your tracking of different projects. This is what it looks like:
You can open the web app at Existing users can simply login with the same credentials they use for the iOS app.
We’ve tested the app carefully but still class it as being in beta. If you come across any bugs or have some feedback for us, please contact us at [email protected].
Updated version: Improved app tracking:
A few hours ago a new CatchApp version arrived in the App Store. It includes a number of improvements and bug fixes.
The biggest change is that we’ve now streamlined the process of tracking apps. The list of available tracking options has grown very long over the last few weeks and so we decided to split it up. You’ll now have a 2-step process where you can choose the app in the first step and then the tracking type (for example in Dropbox “all files” or “files in folder…”) in the second step.
Finally, a “Top Apps” section highlights the most popular integrations to let you find them faster.
We just enabled the tracking of SkyDrive folders. SkyDrive was frequently requested and we’re very happy to have found a way to support Microsoft’s file sharing app. As with Dropbox and Co., you can choose a folder and then receive notifications for changes made in this folder in your CatchApp feed.
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